Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I know, I know, purity isn't the hottest thing around for girls. (or guys for that matter) But hang in there. In the end it'll be worth it. It's hard being the only girl in your group who hasn't kissed a guy or still has her virginity. I'm one of those girls. Most people think it'll get easier as time goes on and believe me it doesn't. Highschool for a girl who wants to stay pure is the toughest time in her life. A lot of my friends either have or have had a boyfriend and here I am, never had a boyfriend, no prospects in sight, etc. It's not that I haven't been asked. I just told everyone who asked, no. I also have the bad habit of accidentally getting guys to like me. Don't get me wrong here. I haven't had a single hot guy ask me out. My problem is being nice to the guys who most girls would avoid. The nerdy, weird guys who think every girl who's nice to them likes 'em. I hope none of you have had to walk around like I do making sure that that one wierd guy from wherever isn't around. This blog is intended to encourage you, and people like you, in your quest for puity. If you are like one of my friends who feel like you could never be pure again, or you are thinking, "You don't know what I've done." then this blog is for you too. Even if you aren't a virgin or you've had multiple make out sessions or you are addicted to porn or something just as bad, I want you you to know there is hope. God did not intend for you to go down that path. If you keep thinking 'i can't stop' then you never will. And even if you do, you still feel guilty. If you want more info, email me at

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Hey, thanks for doing this for girls!